Your presentation was friendly and informative.

I enjoyed the webcast very much. I did make notes but will obviously watch it again to learn more. My take away was slide, I didn’t know it existed and will start using it immediately. I haven’t updated to the new operating system and have taken your advice to wait.

Your presentation was friendly and informative.

Elizabeth Cline

The whole lesson was great

The whole lesson was great and I can’t wait to find time to view it again to reinforce what you said. Being able to move the cursor quickly is great.

It was all very clear, you, the vision, the sound, all excellent.

Pam Jones

I am so glad I found the iPad Man

There were so many things to take in, but I'm keen to try the dark mode, particularly for reading books in bed at night. I also think that the ability to work with two open pages at the same time will be useful. It was fun to learn about the quick actions for app icons and I'll be exploring these when I do the update.

I am so glad I found the iPad Man. Colin's way of teaching is so relaxed and non threatening and I always look forward to learning more from him. Becoming a member of his online courses was one of the best things I've done and I'm keen to learn all about iOS13 in the coming weeks.

I'd like to know more about the quick path typing but honestly, there seems to be so much new stuff that I'd be happy with whatever Colin decides to teach.

Dorothy Silver

Your presentation was first class!

I had only just downloaded iPadOS 13 so had no idea where to start!

Really liked the “slideover” and being able to change the keyboard size. Love having smaller icons and the widgets on the side.

I thoroughly enjoyed this lesson. I watched it on my Apple TV (from my MacBook) so I was able to use my I iPad at the same time. I’m about to watch the replay . Your presentation was first class!

Dianne Lienert

Keypad is brilliant. Using it now!!

I loved all of it. Keypad is brilliant. Using it now!!

Always learn something from your session’s.

Marian Ciaravolo

These lessons are so helpful to us older folk

I will find the split screen very useful when booking hotels for our holidays, also notes is handy and other apps as well. I will also use the dark mode. I will replay the video when I update to the new iOS 13.2

I really enjoy all your sessions, always learning and reinforcing what I have already learnt, the saying goes: "we loose it if we don't use it". These lessons are so helpful to us older folk who haven't grown up with this technology. Your pleasant manner is much appreciated, keep up the good work. I encourage all my friends with an iPhone or iPad to go into your FaceBook page.

David Collishaw

Enjoy the way you make things simple enough for me to understand

Before this course I had no idea of what iOS13 had to offer. After only the first week I am fascinated by the small keyboard but can’t understand how it could work. I am now able to use Darkmode.

Enjoy the way you make things simple enough for me to understand and cover so many areas.

I'd be interested in finding out how to use a mouse with the iPad and how to print from iPad.

Merilyn Tudor

Very Easy To Understand

Trying to take in all the new update features. I will be re-watching video again which was great

I like the new features and gestures explained by you. You made it very easy to understand and work on. I know it will take a bit to get used to some of the new features that suit me.

I watch and re watch videos on your site. Love it keep up the great work.

Julanne (Julie) Osler

Wonder if I would have ever known the possibilities without the session.

Before this lesson I was ignorant of iPadOS possibilities.

I was very impressed with the shrunken keypad abilities, especially as one who never learned to type properly.

Enjoyed the session and wonder if I would have ever known the possibilities without the session.

I know I will watch this again.

David Robertson

Check out our testimonials from our introductory course attendees...

Highly Recommend Colin As A Educator

I thought I was reasonably computer literate but just needed to "discover" the usage/functions of my iPad. Fortunately for me Colin Dunkerley was running a 3 week course so I enrolled.

What a revelation!! Colin is a natural born educator. He has a rich background of computer experience and information technology and is very knowledgable in all aspects. He has a sensitivity awareness of each person's needs and responds appropriately to their questions. His lesson delivery is concise, practical, inclusive, informative and very easily understood. I am Astounded at the many functions of this little "machine".

I would highly recommend Colin as person and his lessons in computing to all interested people with or without an iPad.

Roslyn Tilley

Ability to deliver concise information

Prior to this lesson I didn't have much knowledge with the iPad. I learnt so much and can now do more with my photos. Colin you definitely have the ability to deliver in a very plain concise and understandable way. Excellent!


You are a great teacher!

Before this session I had issues with putting emails into separate, named folders. You are a great teacher to many people and are very knowledgable. Well done!


Friendly Learning Atmosphere

Colin's lessons provided a friendly learning atmosphere. He was able to answer everyone questions addressed all problems in the session. The two hour session feels as if it went very quickly. Thank you Colin, you are a very good teacher.

Bruce Swanson

Very attentive to my personal questions.

You provided easy to follow tutorials, and gave full attention to personal questions that I had. Very informative!

Helen Thomas

Thoroughly recommend these lessons!

Colin you explained everything in simple terms that was easily understood. I was informed on the sending and sharing of photos which I believe will come in great use. Thank you for 5 very interesting lessons and answering any questions I had. Thoroughly recommend these lessons!

June Winter

Lessons are a must for anyone who owns a iPad!

Colin you were very helpful and delivered a presentation in which was very easy to understand. I think these lessons are a must for anyone who has a iPad or thinking about purchasing one. I definitely think I need to purchase one for my own in the future.

Many thanks

Joan Drabsch

Sign me up for the next course!

I have had an iPad for a couple of years now and used it mainly for emails, Safari and games. Colin has now shown me new tips and useful knowledge on the iPad that I'll be able to now use in the future. I absolutely love the photo session! Colin has a superb ability to be clear and concise when delivering his presentation. If there is a course for more advanced iPad users I am now ready to put my name down for it.

Helga Gteow

Development of useful clever tips

I really looked forward for the lesson at hand. From the lesson I was able to develop basic knowledge, but also was able to pick up so many clever useful tips. Colin presented in a clear and simple to understand language.

Glynnis Schwarzel

Able to convert confusing IT language

Colin came to our home to sort out the issues I was having with my iPad. Whilst he was present I came to realisation that I needed to attend his lessons in order to operate it successfully. So I booked 5 lessons with Colin. I was pleased with Colin's patience and understanding. He was able to convert confusing IT language so I was able to better understand.

Thank you Colin. I may need you again.

Helen Home

Very Instructive and patient

My biggest issue before todays lesson was the set up and use of Face time. Although I feel more confident with this now my greatest gain from this lesson was how to use Siri. Colin was very instructive and patient.

Anne Brookesmith

Superb Instructional Style of Delivery

My only knowledge of the ipad is send and receiving emails, read the paper and use google. Todays lesson taught me to use applications and many things I didn't know was available previously. Colin delivered his presentation in a superb instructional style. You have a good understanding of our limitations.

Ray Dempsey

Easy to understand and interesting

I feared that I was unable to use the ipad and I had troubles with finger placement before todays lesson. This lesson was easily understood and very interesting it gave me the ability to finger touch correctly and I discovered the best positions and angels for the ipad. I am now more interested in using my ipad them I was previously when I was gifted it.

Judy Parenty & Michel Parenty

I got over the fear

I feared the privacy of Facebook and found difficulty in using Facebook in general. This lesson has helped me get over the fear and taught me how to share what I discover on Facebook. Thank you Colin, for your very passionate presentation, it was delivered clearly and above all thank you for being patient with us oldies.

Deidne mcDonnell

Happy clear presentation

Previous to this lesson I had difficulty understanding how to use Facebook and navigate myself around it. I have come to realisation that Facebook is now the new internet and I have learnt about the settings available for security. Overall Colin you delivered a clear presentation and I was really happy with it!

Trish Hazzard

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

The concept of everyone being able to see my photos and posts on Facebook had made me afraid to use it. I now understand how Facebook works and how to adjust the settings so my posts aren't visible to the public. Thank you Colin, you explained everything in a clear manner and made it exceptionally easy to understand. You were patient and made everyone feel excepted to ask as many questions as possible, even if they seemed "stupid". Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!

Lynne Mccalliog

I liked being 'Hands on'

I felt as if I was confident with Facebook prior to this lesson. I was surprised to find how much more there was to know and I am keen to use the knowledge I gained from this lesson in the future. The lesson was useful and constructive. I liked the 'hands on' lesson you provided. I would also like to add that your voice delivery was excellent.

Suzanne Gardiner

Knowing how to use the ipad gives me much enjoyment

My issues before todays lesson on Facebook was privacy. However I have now gained the knowledge to make sure my settings are always correct. I am so pleased you in the local paper for lessons. Knowing how to use the ipad has given me much enjoyment

Beth Manmif

Colin your always and Inspiration

Before todays lesson I had issues with the privacy on facebook. This lesson was informative and I have now gained the knowledge of privacy and facebook controls. Colin your an inspiration. Each course I attend just doesn't seem long enough - but its not negative.

Christine Endersby

Absolutely Inspirational

This lesson was absolutely inspirational. Thank you do much Colin and Tianne for wonderfully a produced presentation.

Jenny Cameron

I received Lots of new Information

I had complications with transferring photos from the computer to ipad and vise versa before todays lesson. I can now say I was provided with lots of new information from this positive lesson. Colin had great delivery and was easily understood.

Helen Tetis

Absolutely mind blowing lesson

I simply must purchase the new 13" ipad NOW. Colin was a great tutor, very informative and patient with us "oldies". Absolutely mind blowing experience!!

Jean Stringer

Excellent 2 hour lesson

Im very new to the ipad, and prior to this lesson I wasn't aware of photo maintenance after I was taking photos. I learnt so much from this experience especially how to create albums and folders. Colin presented this lesson in a easy to follow manner. I appreciate being able to take home the notes from this lesson to follow and refresh my memory in the future.

lyndy Chalmers

Better understanding of the icloud

Previously I had difficulty understanding the difference between camera role and photo stream, I also found I was keeping to many unnecessary photos on my ipad. This lesson was clear and informative and gave me more insight about the icloud.

Elizabeth Jones

I feel confident after the photo lesson

Prior to the lesson I had difficulty with organising photos and transferring photos from emails/messages to the ipad. This lesson was very informative and easy to understand, that I now feel confident enough to work it out for myself in the future.

Helen Rolles

Looking foward to the next lesson!

After todays lesson I feel more confident with photo and album arrangement on the ipad. Colin delivered this presentation fantastically and with clear instructions. The two hours went too quickly. Im looking forward to the next lesson!

Tanis Dickson

Informative and easily understood

This lesson was beneficial as I gained insight on album arrangement which I was having troubles with before hand. Colin was informative and easily understood.

Judy Tait

Clear Instructive presentation

I haven't been active with this device. However resulted with new insight on how to create folders/albums and learnt how to use Siri and navigate photos on a map. Thank you so much Colin for your clear instructive presentation. It was very entertaining!

Carolyn Camilleri

Genuine fun approach

Colin delivered this lesson with enthusiasm and a fun approach. Im reluctant to say I have learnt my way around the apple device.

Kathy Sivell

Impressive Presentation

I lacked familiarity with organising photos on my ipad before todays lesson. However I have now gained knowledge with how to create folders and albums. I was very impressed with the way colin presented.

Kate Sloan

I have converted to apple

I had difficulty with putting photos into albums and being organised before this lesson. I enjoyed Colins enthusiasm, knowledge and passion for apple. I can gladly say I've converted to apple.

Kristine Woodford

Enjoyed it all!

Before todays lesson I had issues with the transfer and organisation of photos from my ipad to computer. The photograph lesson gave me insight in creating folders and albums and how to use Siri. Colin's presentation was very informative and he presented in a easy to under stand manner. I enjoyed it all.

Jane Ford

Nice informal format yet very informative!

This lessons was excellent with easy to follow step by step instruction, nice informal format yet very informative! The reader button, what a revelation! I learnt to use Siri to send text messages.

Bernadette Huybens

This was a brilliant presentation which was also interesting and amusing!

Before this lesson I had too many issues to mention! I didn't realise how ignorant I was as to the capabilities of the iPad/iPhone. This was a brilliant presentation which was also interesting and amusing. Never dull! I would highly recommend this course to anyone, even those that think they are reasonably knowledgeable.

Elizabeth O'Dwyer

Lesson was well organised and thought out with lots of tips and help!

Prior to this lesson I have just been merrily finding my way around the iPad but I certainly picked up lots of tips. Especially around Siri and the fast typing and I loved learning how to get rid of the adverts while reading on the net. iPad Lessons was well organised and thought out with lots of tips and help for the older student. Very interesting morning!

Christina Kay

Very good at explaining things whilst showing respect for the individual

I attended the free iPad lesson because I had a lack of overall confidence in handling this device.

Colin is very good at explaining things whilst showing respect for the individual. This helped me understand that the operation is based on logic so not to panic and I intend to contact Colin now for private lessons.

Annie O'Rourke

I appreciated you keeping the lesson on track

Before this lesson I knew I wasn't getting the most from my iPad and boy did I learn so much in the two hours! When I went home I set my printer up to print from my iPad and iPhone. I used the Reader button to cut out ads, etc. I used the dictionary by holding my finger to move cursor and "look up". I even tried dictating text messages and emails! I also used Siri to set alarms! I appreciated you keeping the lesson on track and have booked to do more!

Wendy Schellhammer

Very Professional, Entertaining and Positive!

Before coming to your lesson I wanted to learn more things about my iPhone. I was impressed at being able to alter the size and depth of font and how you can use the microphone to dictate messages instead of using the old digits.

I really appreciated your presentation Colin, very professional, entertaining and positive and I thank you so much for the opportunity of attending.

Denise Joy King

Your presentation was relaxed, fun and extremely informative!

I have used my iPad for three years and never come close to using it's potential. I came to the free lesson wanting to discover what this clever device can do and I didn't realise how much I didn't know.

Your presentation was relaxed, fun and extremely informative! You are one of few people with a great knowledge of your subject and the ability teach.

Doug Mcilveen

Great control of the group!

Great control of the group unnecessary interruptions by participants ...on track ...on time ...good to have support person there to help out too!

Gail brooks

The best teacher I have had in over 70 years on the planet!

Before this lesson I had a lack of knowledge about using an iPhone. I came away realising the power of an iPhone.

Colin Dunkerley - The iPad Man is the best teacher I have had in over 70 years on the planet!

Brian Davis

Very easy to understand and willing to be patient

I needed to learn how to organise my photos, take good photos and edit videos. In this lesson on iPhone/iPad Photography I learned just how incredibly smart my new iPad is.

Colin is very easy to understand and willing to be patient, answering our questions fully.

Sandy Shield

Came away totally confident!

I didn't know how to use some of the featured headings for the camera, i.e.: time-lapse; plus previously had no success with the pano feature.

To come away totally confident in how to use these features, plus put together an album and title it, then play it. Was such an amazing outcome from an awesome "hands on" lesson. Thank you so much Colin.

Margaret A Mair

Very informative, enthusiastic and patient with a group who varied in their abilities

As always, very informative, enthusiastic and patient with a group who varied in their abilities as we learnt how to use the camera mode and controls with one on one feedback as we moved around outside.

Explanations were clear and you are always careful to ensure that each person understands the points you are making. As a retired teacher, I recognise that you have all the teaching skills at your fingertips which are constantly improving as you progress your business with enormous enthusiasm.

Always keen to learn more about most topics you cover.

I certainly found the Refresher Course for Beginners re-enforced and refreshed my memory in areas covered 12 months ago and was most worthwhile. Maybe refresher courses in all your lessons 12 months after we have first attended the original lessons would be worth considering. I would certainly appreciate that.

Barbara Murray

Colin and Tianne always treat us like friends, not Seniors trying to learn

I loved learning everything about using the iPhone camera and how awesome the use of time lapse photography can be.

Colin and Tianne always treat us like friends, not Seniors trying to learn. They are both very patient as well as being a wealth of knowledge; with a good dose of humour and understanding thrown in! The colour printed notes are excellent and oh so helpful for later. Thank you both . Thanks also for the unexpected Christmas gift.

Just keep it coming, there is so much we don't even know that we don't know!

Deidre McDonnell

Colin I'm president of your fan club.

After attending the Photo editing and tips lesson I am looking forward to photographing all the victims over Christmas!

Betty Markkanen

I was surprised out how easy it was!

I recently attended the Photography for iPad/iPhone lesson not knowing how to put together a collection of photo's to make it interesting to show someone else. I was surprised out how easy it was to put a story together. Just need to practice what we learnt!

Colin, is very good a getting the message across which is made easier by the fact that we have an instruction sheet which sets out every step. This is easy to follow due to the amount of thought that has gone into constructing the instruction sheet with photo's to follow also.

Patricia Corbett

You have a clear & precise method of teaching that is easy to understand, delivered with humour making it very interesting and entertaining.

Mar 2016


Easy to follow tutorials with attention to personal questions

Easy to follow tutorials with attention to personal questions and after hours follow up service. Very informative.

Helen T – Mountain Creek – 14th Aug

Colin is understanding and will patiently answer even the most simple questions. A good teacher!

Colin’s lessons provide a friendly learning atmosphere in which to learn. Everyone’s questions and problems were addressed in his sessions. Two hour sessions just went so fast

Colin is understanding and will patiently answer even the most simple questions. A good teacher!

Bruce Swanson – Pelican Waters – 14th Aug

Testimonials from our group lessons...


You are a great teacher!

Before this session I had issues with putting emails into separate, named folders. You are a great teacher to many people and are very knowledgable. Well done!


Lessons are very lively and happy to answer our “stupid “ questions.

I wanted to know more about how the Apple TV worked and learnt it is not as hard as I thought.

I like to have things in hard copy so am grateful for the notes so I can have easy access in problem solving later.

Lessons are very lively and Colin is always happy to answer our “stupid “ questions.

Sauer Denise

Very comprehensive and descriptive demo and notes

I hadn't been using my Apple TV and this lesson renewed my interest in getting the Apple TV working again. I gained much more appreciation as to just what can be achieved with the Apple TV.

The lesson was positive and constructive and came with very comprehensive and descriptive demo and notes.

Kay Hagen

I wasn’t aware that I could so easily scan documents with my iPad!

I wasn’t aware that I could so easily scan documents with my iPad - I had been photographing then cropping documents...

I am amazed at how my iPad has so many features I am yet to discover. Colin is a fantastic presenter. He not only makes everything appear so easy but ensures all those attending understand how he does It! I’m impressed by his patience, good humour and honesty... I’ve never come away from one of his classes without learning a new feature of my iPad.

Elenore Eriksson

You made everyone feel relaxed and comfortable so they were not afraid to ask questions

I've had an iPad for years but was new to both iPhone and Apple Watch. I learn about the fall Detection from one of your Facebook videos so enrolled in class for more information on both the iPhone and Apple Watch.

The things that I was concerned about were explained and demonstrated in a way that was easy to understand. You made everyone feel relaxed and comfortable so they were not afraid to ask questions. I gained lots of knowledge about the watch and related products and have lost a lot of the fear I had for doing something wrong.

The course videos are a wonderful aid to help me revise what I have learnt.

Wendy Marks

Colin I'm president of your fan club.

After attending the Photo editing and tips lesson I am looking forward to photographing all the victims over Christmas!

Betty Markkanen

You are so patient and explain things so well to us oldies.

I didn’t know how to scan and send documents on the iPad and I couldn’t believe how easy it is to scan sign and send documents.

Before this lesson I just didn’t know this existed on the iPad.

I love your lessons Colin because you are so patient and explain things so well to us oldies. You never talk down to us. I learn something new at each lesson I attend and enjoy them all. Thanks so much!

I don't always know what I need to learn until a lesson comes up, then I realise I want to know about that.

Elizabeth Hibel

Altogether, a very useful lesson that answered a lot of my questions.

I wanted to know what you could find on the Apple TV.

I liked learning how to watch ad free TV. Lots of tips I didn’t know, which will be a great help. How to watch all of Colin’s videos easily.

Great lesson, as usual, Colin. Very easy to follow, though a lot to take in. That’s where the notes come in. So easy to refer to them for stuff I can’t remember. Altogether, a very useful lesson that answered a lot of my questions. Thanks so much!

Elizabeth Hibel

Very attentive to my personal questions.

You provided easy to follow tutorials, and gave full attention to personal questions that I had. Very informative!

Helen Thomas

Always very clear, with care and patience!

I am frustrated with not knowing how to operate the TV to our best advantage. I don’t have an Apple TV but saw how much easier it would be compared to what I have.

Your instructions are always very clear and delivered with care and patience, bless you Colin, as we are to have you!

Judy Smith

Was a fabulous lesson!

Had to use AirPrinter to do in numerous ways to do what you demonstrated to do with one method - NOTES..

Was a fabulous lesson about filing, scanning and mark up documents. I learnt heaps and will save so much time!

You seem to be spot on with your lesson choice so I keep tuned to what you recommend I should know.

Valerie bingham

The lesson demonstrated to me what I have been missing out on with my iPhone

The biggest issue before this lesson was to use the old saying.....not knowing what I didn't know!

The lesson demonstrated to me just how easy it is to take a good photo/video and just what I have been missing out on with my iPhone. It has made me think that perhaps I do need a more recent model of phone to be able to make use of all that is available.

Great lesson Colin, well delivered and the with the inclusion of a practical demo for the class to take part in, you have whetted my appetite to now progressing further with photography. In the past, I have allowed too many opportunities for a good photo to pass by, just because I thought that by the time I got my phone out the opportunity no longer existed, or it was just too hard.

Hope there is a follow up to this lesson!

Nicki Taylor

Friendly Learning Atmosphere

Colin's lessons provided a friendly learning atmosphere. He was able to answer everyone questions addressed all problems in the session. The two hour session feels as if it went very quickly. Thank you Colin, you are a very good teacher.

Bruce Swanson

Very easy to understand and willing to be patient

I needed to learn how to organise my photos, take good photos and edit videos. In this lesson on iPhone/iPad Photography I learned just how incredibly smart my new iPad is.

Colin is very easy to understand and willing to be patient, answering our questions fully.

Sandy Shield

Very good lesson. Easy to follow. Patient teacher who speaks well.

I was a little ignorant of what the Apple TV could do and learnt so much about what one can do with the Apple TV.

Very good lesson. Easy to follow. Patient teacher who speaks well.

I want to book my husband in now to a class like today!

Caroline Haines

Don’t know what we would do without you!

Usually I had to print and fill in forms, then photograph them to send them back. Now I can scan, fill in and send them much much faster and more easily? Fantastic!

Great lesson, Easy to follow after getting the hang of it. As usual you take your time and explain so well. I always go home knowing something new and useful. I have already used the scan, fill in and send with great results.

Thanks Colin Great lesson. As usual you explain so well and I always come away from your lessons learning something new. Don’t know what we would do without you!

I don’t know what I need till I see it advertised then I realise I need that!

Elizabeth Hibel

Best most fun class so far!

I didn’t have a clue about what was possible when editing photos from my iPad.

I learnt about some amazing filters and text options. Best most fun class so far!

Jo Hanchard

Easy presentation style, abundance of knowledge and willingness to give individual assistance when required

Before this lesson I had limited knowledge on dealing with filing on my iPad. I was surprised at the ease of scanning and marking up a document.

Excellent lesson. Easy presentation style, abundance of knowledge and willingness to give individual assistance when required . I think this lesson could be divided into two. One concentrating on scanning and playing with the document and the second on saving it, and how to file it in folders, etc.

Dorothy Cox

Love the lessons always learning

I had no idea how to scan - markup and file documents and was amazed at just how easy it is to scan - markup and file documents on the iPad.

Love the lessons always learning and I think I’m now ready for the password lesson!

Jenni france

Colin has the patience of Jobe and explains things in a manner that is easily understood

I wanted to learn how to take good photos on my iPhone.

I thoroughly enjoyed the lesson on photography having learnt how to take a panorama photo, close up photo with effects at the back of the photo and little tips on how to get that ever elusive photo.

Colin has the patience of Jobe and explains things in a manner that is easily understood. I have learnt so much from the few classes that I have attended and I am looking forward to more classes and being a confident iPad user.

Cheryl Arnold

I was surprised out how easy it was!

I recently attended the Photography for iPad/iPhone lesson not knowing how to put together a collection of photo's to make it interesting to show someone else. I was surprised out how easy it was to put a story together. Just need to practice what we learnt!

Colin, is very good a getting the message across which is made easier by the fact that we have an instruction sheet which sets out every step. This is easy to follow due to the amount of thought that has gone into constructing the instruction sheet with photo's to follow also.

Patricia Corbett

I learned a lot I didn’t know about the Apple Watch

Before this lesson I was having trouble with some of the exercise settings. I didn’t know about clearing the watch of water and you clarified the exercise apps.

Great lesson Colin. I learned a lot I didn’t know about the Apple Watch. The videos are fantastic. Better than notes. I am not through them all yet but so far I am loving them. Well done! Thanks Colin, I really don’t know what I would do without you. Elizabeth. ??

I never know what I am missing till you announce the next lesson, then I realise I need it!

Elizabeth Hibel

Came away totally confident!

I didn't know how to use some of the featured headings for the camera, i.e.: time-lapse; plus previously had no success with the pano feature.

To come away totally confident in how to use these features, plus put together an album and title it, then play it. Was such an amazing outcome from an awesome "hands on" lesson. Thank you so much Colin.

Margaret A Mair

There is always more to learn!

I underestimated the many uses of an iPad and enjoyed learning about scanning and marking up a document.

Everytime I attend your lessons I realise there is always more to learn!

Brenda van Niekerk

Don't know where to start?

Get FREE Tips and Updates from The iPad Man

Testimonials From Our 1 Hour Presentations

Brilliant presentation!

Before your presentation I knew that there was lot more to learn and you proved me right, there is so much to learn. Brilliant presentation!

Jan Brown Alexandra Headland Probus Club

I thought your presentation was fantastic

I would like to know all the benefits my iPhone can do and liked the knowledge your shared in your presentation.

In fact I thought your presentation was fantastic so have gone ahead and booked my first lesson!

Annette Rezek Alexandra Headland Probus Club

Thoroughly Enjoyed Your Presentation

As a senior retired High School teacher, I was virtually computer/ mobile phone illiterate ! It was a welcome change to be instructed by someone OTHER than my grandkids lol!

I was surprised how much Voice control will be the technical future! I have an iPhone and Samsung tablet so it looks like I should have an iPad when seeking a replacement in the future to keep it easier to learn!

Your presentation was well planned and presented. I now almost understand the principle of Bluetooth and iCloud. Your explanation was clear and all we needed. We thoroughly enjoyed your presentation.

Sassy Stickland Alexandra Headland Probus Club

I was amazed at what could be achieved!

I have been trying to negotiate everything the iPad/Android has to offer. After seeing your presentation I realised the fact that it may be better to marry my iPhone with an iPad so it is easier for me to use, rather than a Samsung tablet!

I have nothing but positive criticism for your presentation! I was amazed at what could be achieved and would like to learn more about everything!

Joan Revell Alexandra Headland Probus Club

First Class Presentation

Your presentation showed me the value of using Siri and gave me food for thought in what I can use for the future.

It was a first class presentation, friendly, humorous and you imparted good knowledge confidently.

I will now be spending more time "playing" with voice!

Eric Simpson Alexandra Headland Probus Club

Highly Informative and Entertaining. Excellent Presentation.

I was sceptical of what The iPad Man could show me as I am a windows person.

Your clarification of Apple's innovation and its integration, plus the introduction of voice to easily control these devices got my attention.

I was trained in presentations by 3M in the 80's and they are super critical. Your presentation was excellent gaining full attention immediately, very visual, great and fluent use of your props, highly informative and entertaining with very practical examples of how voice can benefit all ages. Excellent presentation.

Peter Isherwood Alexandra Headland Probus Club

An excellent presentation

Thank you for showing me how I need to keep up with the latest technology of possible. I thought you delivered an excellent presentation, well received by the Probians. Can’t think of a suggestion to improve it. Well done!

Gabrielle Donaldson Alexandra Headland Probus Club

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