Thank you for attending my "Security & Privacy" Presentation at the U3A

I hope you took away some tips that will help you keep your device more secure and keep you more comfortable when using your devices on the internet.

To help continually improve my presentation I would be very grateful if you could take a few minutes to give me some feedback about your experience. As a thank you for taking the time to submit feedback I will send you a copy of my Security and Privacy course & How to reduce spam course valued at $119 for FREE. Many thanks for attending.

What was your biggest concern with security and privacy before attending this presentation
What was the biggest insight or outcome you gained from my presentation?
Critique me (Positive or Constructive)
What would you like to know more about? Either something from this presentation or something unrelated that was not covered.
Are you on Facebook? If so are you following my fortnightly free Q&A episodes at (If no why not visit facebook and follow now for free tips and updates!!)
Would you be happy for your feedback to be used in a testimonial for The iPad Man?