Find out why Colin Dunkerley – The iPad Man – thinks your iPad makes the perfect kitchen accessory.
 You all love food! So much so that you collect recipes as if you live for 1,000 years! You know I’m right. Most kitchens I visit have a small cupboard filled with recipe books, magazines and those hand written recipes passed around by friends and family members.
 So how many of these recipes have you cooked? The trouble with recipe books and magazines is that you can’t find the recipe you’re looking for when you want it. Which magazine did you see that great recipe in?
 The solution to finding recipes when you want them is to search for them and there is no better way than using you iPad in the kitchen. The internet has thousands of recipe dedicated websites and a quick search of your iPad’s App Store will also reveal thousands of results for recipe Apps. Within those Apps are millions of recipes. In fact the BigOven App has over 350,000 recipes on its own!
 It doesn’t matter if you are a vegetarian, vegan, diabetic or if you are looking for gluten free, Paleo or have any other dietary requirement you can find hundreds of Apps that can cater for your specific needs. Most of the brands you know have a recipe App on the iPad and a lot of them you can control with your voice so your iPad doesn’t get dirty.
 No endless searching through the pages of cookbooks and magazines. Just the simple act of searching your iPad and seconds later making a choice. This can result in less waste and an incredible new world of flavours as you leave your comfort zone and try new and delicious recipes based on the search results and reviews.
 So what do you do with all those recipe books and magazines?. Recently I found it very liberating to throw out all of my old recipe magazines and most of my cookbooks freeing up valuable cupboard space in the kitchen.
 Your new problem is how do you save all these recipes that your friends are now sharing with you through emails and Facebook.